Catholic Identity. |
Educating for Eternity through Faith & Reason
We are home for the Roman Catholic family of Geary County, forming missionary disciples according to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ.
The community of St. Francis Xavier Catholic School responds to the Christian call to care for those in need and give to others through the selfless acts of service. We encourage students, parents, faculty and staff to give of their time to serve the community and become a unified voice of action. Service opportunities are a valued part of our school curriculum and occur throughout the school year.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School is open to and enriched by families of all faiths. We are pleased to offer superior education where the core of our teachings and values are rooted in the Gospel truths.
We are a Catholic school & we welcome students of all faiths! |
St. Francis Xavier offers many opportunities for spiritual growth including:
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School is a Theology of the Body (TOB) Campus – What does this mean?
An active TOB campus is a community dedicated to deepening their relationships with one another and with Christ by embracing an authentically Catholic worldview. St. Xavier teachers will embark on a journey of continuous formation as a staff that will help lead students to:
An active TOB campus is a community dedicated to deepening their relationships with one another and with Christ by embracing an authentically Catholic worldview. St. Xavier teachers will embark on a journey of continuous formation as a staff that will help lead students to:
- A deeper relationship with Jesus Christ
- A deeper relationship with one another
- A deeper understanding of our Catholic faith